Vacation rentals and changes for sidewalk vendors highlighted the agenda of yesterday’s meeting of the Twentynine Palms Planning Commission. Reporter Ernest Figueroa was there and has the details…

At yesterday’s meeting of the Twentynine Palms Planning Commission an agreement was reached between the applicant and neighbors of vacation home rentals planned for Via Allegra allowing commissioners to move the plan forward. Also, the commission issued a resolution approving changes to the transient selling code to better align with California’s Safe Sidewalk Vending Act addressing individual concerns in sidewalk vending, transient selling, food trucks and additional relevant definitions. Community Development Director Travis Clark further reported that sewer and water work on Project Phoenix begins Monday, January 27. An SB2 planning grant of $160,000 was received, funding plans for the “Downtown Specific Plan,” and public art considerations on Project Phoenix have been referred to the city’s Public Arts Advisory Committee for further review.