Review of a proposed massage establishment and a mobile home appeal led the agenda of last night’s meeting of the Twentynine Palms Planning Commission. Reporter Ernest Figueroa was there and reports the details…
At last night’s Twentynine Palms Planning Commission, an appeal to prohibit a proposed mobile home off Highway 62 was denied. Commissioners said the development code requires mobile homes to be a minimum of 20 feet wide and the proposed home was only 10 feet wide. Also, the home’s shingles did not meet the city’s code. In other business, a Conditional Use Permit for a proposed massage establishment, across from the Family Dollar store, was approved.
Community Development Director Travis Clark also reported, new staff planner Diane Olsen, was hired having worked a similar position in Yucca Valley. Word on the Project Phoenix Grant is expected soon, the Route 62 sidewalk improvement project awaits Caltrans approval, and the highly anticipated Starbucks finally broke ground.

From left: Commissioner Jim Krushat, Vice Chair Leslie Paahana , Center: Chair Greg Mendoza, Commissioner Max Walker, Commissioner Jason Dickson
Ernest Figueroa photo