Twentynine Palms Planning Commission digs into development code

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Last night, the Twentynine Palms Planning Commission hosted three public hearings, mostly relating to development code updates.

But first, the commission touched on changes to the General Plan, namely, the addition of the Equity and Social Justice Element. There was a question about a city-wide wastewater treatment plant; it was noted that the plant is still under long-term consideration and that a groundwater study is underway.

The next hearing concerned changes to the Dedications and Improvements development code, mainly, removing the term “waiving/waived” as there is no allowance in the code for waiving of requirements, and making the language for required improvements consistent for all zones. The hearing also touched on Transportation Impact Fees to be collected for proposed structures along certain busy roads.

The final hearing featured hearty discussions on proposed wall and fence heights, curb/gutter requirements, and boat/RV storage. Ultimately, there were numerous proposed changes to specific development codes, including:

General Development Standards and Exceptions

  • Height limits for structures such as water elements or art pieces.
  • Established setback areas for pools and spas.
  • Regulations on the storage of boats, trailers, construction equipment.

Residential Development Standards and Design Criteria

  • Removal of requirements for roof pitch and 24-inch eaves on manufactured homes.
  • Striking a requirement for multi-family development to be open communities.
  • Removing the requirement for the development of design guidelines.

Accessory Uses and Structures

  • Removing the allowance of cargo containers on vacant lots
  • Limiting the construction of guest houses to one per lot. (Does not pertain to ADU buildings which include a bathroom and kitchen.)
  • Simplifying the language on architectural compatibility.
  • Placing a limit of two cargo containers per residential lot.

Commercial and Industrial Development Standards and Design Criteria

  • Modified square footage limit for development standard compliance.
  • Striking the requirement for the development of design guidelines.

Fences, Walls and Screens

  • Clarified language regarding barbed wire fencing.
  • Striking requirement for graffiti resistant treatment as it is not enforceable.

The commission did not formally approve the changes and language clarifications last night giving staff time to incorporate them into the code. Commission will review these changes at the May 21 meeting.

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