The Twentynine Palms summer program of “Movies in the Park” is starting soon. Reporter Dan Stork describes the first offering…
The City of Twentynine Palms Recreation Department and Z107.7 present “Movies in Luckie Park,” on Friday evenings, June 7 through July 25. Movies will be shown on the north side of the racquetball courts starting at approximately 8:30 p.m. The first show, on June 7, will be “The Pirates—Band of Misfits.” This animated film is the story of a Pirate Captain (voiced by Hugh Grant) who is out to defeat his rivals for the Pirate of the year Award. Refreshments will be offered by the Twentynine Palms swim team and the Twentynine Palms Youth Club. The movies are free, so gather your friends, family, blankets, and lawn chairs and enjoy.