A Twentynine Palms Marine was sentenced Tuesday to a year in jail for spouse abuse causing great bodily injury last year. Corporal Logan Burns, 23, was arguing with his wife about her going out to dinner with friends in the 8300 block of Argos Road in Twentynine Palms October 25 when she said he just “snapped,” and started beating her. She suffered a traumatic brain injury, a broken wrist, and broken eye socket. Burns was arrested by deputies October 28 and was held in the West Valley Detention Center on $150,000 bail until his plea bargain Tuesday. Logan Burns was released from jail with credit for time served (183 days); his sentence includes four years of probation and a one-year domestic violence batterers’ program. He was also served with a criminal protective order to stay away from his wife. Because Burns is prohibited from owning or being around weapons, he will be discharged from the Marine Corps as a motor vehicle operator with 3rd Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment.