With war movies sparking a new resonance in the public imagination, the 29 Palms Military Film Festival will feature a prestigious line-up of 24 meticulously curated Hollywood classics, provocative documentaries and war movies inspired by true stories. The 29 Palms Military Film Festival will feature the best in popular military films, veterans who will share first-hand accounts on situations depicted on the screens, and gourmet street food and memorabilia vendors, over the weekend of May 13 through May 15. Managing editor Tami Roleff says tickets for the inaugural film festival are discounted through Sunday, March 27…
The 29 Palms Military Film Festival will showcase 24 international, recently produced, and classic, military-themed films and documentaries telling stories of battles in which the United States has fought. Before each screening, veterans, historians, and students will be invited to share with the audience first-hand accounts, testimonials, and facts on each situation depicted on the screen. Films will be screened at Smith’s Ranch Drive-in theater, Smith’s Ranch auditorium, Knott’s Sky Park, and Twentynine Palms Junior High School. If purchased by Sunday, March 27, individual passes are $20, family passes are $30, and VIP festival passes are $50. Passes can be purchased at the Twentynine Palms Chamber of Commerce or online at 29palmsfilmfestival.com. Z107.7 is a co-sponsor of the event.