The issue of the future of wastewater treatment will be addressed by the Twentynine Palms City Council tonight. Reporter David Haldane says expenditures for Project Phoenix are also on the agenda….
Excrement is at the top of tonight’s Twentynine Palms City Council agenda. More specifically, the septic tanks that have historically been used to dispose of the city’s human waste. At issue: whether to apply for a $448,000 grant to study the long-term impact of those tanks on groundwater reliability, storage and quality.
The move is the first step in a long-term effort to discuss and ultimately solve the problem of treating wastewater in the city.
Other items on the agenda include a discussion regarding public buildings within the downtown Project Phoenix area and the possible appropriation of $131,000 for three curb, gutter and sidewalk reconstruction projects.
Tonight’s meeting gets underway 6 p.m. at City Hall on Adobe Road.