Last night’s Twentynine Palms City Council meeting was brief but productive. Reporter Heather Clisby was there …
The Twentynine Palms City Council began last night’s meeting by proclaiming April 2019 Child Abuse Prevention Month. More than 32,000 children in San Bernardino County were referred to Children and Family Services for suspected child abuse and neglect in 2018. To report a suspected case of child abuse, dial 211.
The council unanimously authorized a temporary license agreement with the Morongo Basin Transit Authority for the MBTA to use part of the city’s public works yard for refueling, bus storage and employee use. There are no funds exchanged and the agreement had been recommended by the city’s legal team.
Also unanimously approved last night was the strategic planning document that is created every other year by the City Council, the city staff and the community. The document will service as a guide for resource allocation keeping thirteen foundation goals in mind – Downtown Specific Plan, Economic Development Plan, Utah Trail Plan, technology, health benefits, Project Phoenix, veterans resources, music/art events, wastewater, bike paths, homelessness, increasing family business and flood control.
During his city manager’s report, Frank Luckino stated that construction for a new bike path on Baseline Road between Utah Trail and Bedouin Avenue should begin in about two weeks.