The Twentynine Palms City Council meeting last night was bustling with recognitions, budgets and good news. Reporter Heather Clisby has the details…
Last night’s meeting of the Twentynine Palms City Council had a full agenda before a crowded room.
Kajiel Sullivan, a local military spouse, gave a presentation on Juneteenth, the occasion of slaves being freed in 1865. She hopes to create a local Juneteenth event and seeks $1,325 and guidance from the City.
The council reviewed a draft of the newly revised Visit 29 logo to be used in tourism marketing. After a few questions and suggestions from the council and the public, the logo will be sent back to the Tourism Business Improvement District for revision.
City Manager Frank Luckino gave an extensive review of the two-year budget plan and noted some highlights, including $5.6M in reserves.
Luckino also announced that the City’s application for the $2 million Community and Cultural Resources grant has moved to the second round. The funds would build a cultural center at the heart of Project Phoenix. A site visit will occur on May 23.
Next step for Project Phoenix is a meeting with affected business and property owners on May 31 to discuss preparations.
Tax revenues collected from AirBnb last quarter broke a record for the city:- $53,000, and the tourism economy continues to increase.
Community Services Director Randy Councell noted there are currently 265 riders signed up for the JT55 bike ride on April 27 and that 85 percent are non-locals.