At its July 28 meeting, the Twentynine Palms City Council dealt with a lengthy list of presentations and discussions. Reporter Dan Stork broke his report into three parts. Today in part two of three: Recognitions, a legislative update, and the changes in the Healthcare District…
Long-time resident Betty Laferriere was recognized by the Council for her many contributions to the community. Also honored was MCAGCC liaison Jim Ricker, who was named the 42nd Assembly District Veteran of the Month, by Assemblyman Chad Mayes.
Legislative Update
Mayes also gave a legislative update to the Council. He criticized the legislature for not addressing water or transportation reform. He characterized the extraordinary session called by the governor as an attempt to “beat Republicans over the head” in an effort to raise taxes. He cited the I-10 bridge collapse as emblematic of the infrastructure deficiencies, and criticized high-speed rail as a wasteful priority.
Healthcare District presentation
Healthcare District board member Martie Avels heralded the takeover of the hospital by Tenet Healthcare as a boon to the Morongo Basin, and described the dual-board governance of the system. The publicly elected board will have public meetings at new quarters on La Contenta. Recruitment by Tenet for several top administrative hospital posts is in progress.