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The agenda of the Twentynine Palms City Council meeting tonight is notable for what’s not on it, as well the public hearing on the budget that is scheduled. Reporter Dan Stork explains…
The major item at the Twentynine Palms City Council meeting on April 9 is a public forum on the 2013-2014 city budget, which follows a presentation to City Manager Richard Warne of a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the current year’s budget document. Another public hearing concerns a request to vacate a road easement that crosses the Twentynine Palms RV Resort. Up for discussion are Planning Commission appointments, and designation of delegates for the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Annual General Assembly. The consent agenda includes the assignment of a contract that the City has with Hogle-Ireland, the firm that has been overseeing the update to the City’s General Plan, to Moore Iacofano Goltsman, which has acquired all the assets of Hogle-Ireland. The 6 p.m. open session will be preceded by a 5 pm closed session devoted to a performance evaluation of the City Manager. What is missing from the agenda is a discussion on the future of prayers at council meetings, which had been the subject of a recent article in the Desert Trail. When asked about the non-appearance of this item on the April 9th agenda, Richard Warne told z107.7 that there will be “further analysis and study” of the topic, and that the City is “not ready to go forward” with it at this time.

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