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At its meeting on Tuesday evening, the Twentynine Palms City Council dwelt at length on accessory structures and land use table changes, and dealt with plans for development videos and planning commission appointments quickly. Reporter Dan Stork was there, and provides the details…
Council member Jay Corbin pulled the revised ordinance on accessory structures from the consent agenda. He moved a modified version, in which the minimum size for the new rules to kick in would be raised to 500 square feet, from 200 square feet. An amendment was added to require that the colors of accessory structures of 200 square feet or larger be “compatible with” that of the main structure. The revision passed unanimously, but must come back at a future meeting for a final vote, due to the changes. Next up was an environmental report and related amendments to the Development Code to change land use tables for the downtown area to make them compatible with Project Phoenix plans. Several members of the public voiced concerns about aspects of the project. But legal counsel Patrick Munoz pressed his opinion that it is important that the changes be in place, should a window of opportunity occur in the midst of the legal wrangling on the status of redevelopment agencies. That opinion prevailed, and the introductory reading of the measures was approved unanimously. Council was asked to provide comment and direction on four economic development videos to be produced by Command Video. Joel Klink suggested that the producers seek out testimonials from a wider circle of citizens and business people. Mayor John Cole asked Joel Klink and Jim Harris to be the task force that will evaluate applications for the two openings on the Planning Commission. There are currently three applicants for the two positions. The deadline for submission of applications is 6 p.m. today, January 25.

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