The future rears its intriguing head in Twentynine Palms tonight. Reporter David Haldane has the story…
The Twentynine Palms City Council takes two steps into the future tonight with agenda items that, a generation ago, would have been considered science fiction. The first has to do with making the city more energy efficient using sources such as solar. And the second ponders the wisdom of storing its voluminous data in the cloud rather than on the hard drives of aging computers.
Specifically, the Council will consider entering into two contracts; one with a company called Climatec LLC, to evaluate current energy systems and suggest some better alternatives. The second potential contract is with a firm called Rackspace to provide Microsoft products, digital storage and backup. That one would cost nearly $69,000 annually for at least the next six years.
Tonight’s meeting gets underway 6 p.m. at City Hall on Adobe Road.