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The National Endowment for the Arts has organized a month-long celebration and community read event called The Big Read. Morongo Basin residents are encouraged to read and discuss the sci-fi, best-selling novel “Station Eleven.” Inspired by the traveling actors and musicians in the book “Station Eleven,” Thought Theatre is performing scenes from the book. Rebecca Havely has the details…

Thought Theatre presents the “Traveling Symphony” as part of the Big Read celebration. “Station Eleven” follows a group of actors who, among other things, do snippets of Shakespeare and other famous writers’ works.  Join the Traveling Symphony as they bring a presentation of “Station Eleven,” as written by Emily St. John Mandel, to life. There are three performances set at two different venues. Saturday, September 28, catch their 2 p.m. matinee at the Wonder Valley Community Center, or that same evening at 7 p.m. at Art Trap on Sunburst Circle in Joshua Tree. Sunday, September 29 at 2 p.m. is the final performance at Art Trap venue.

On Sunday, Cholla Needles Art and Literary Library have invited the community to participate in an open reading and discussion based on the novel. Attendees are encouraged to come read their own original work on the theme of survival, and/or a small portion of the book that especially influenced them, or anything else of concern to them. They can also discuss their reactions to the Traveling Symphony from the day before. This event takes place from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Palms Restaurant, 83131 Amboy Road in Wonder Valley.

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