Town of Yucca Valley will begin its Organic Recycling Program in January


Some new things are happening in Yucca Valley. One of them is a requirement by the State of California for organics recycling. During The Up Close Show on Friday, November 11, Gary Daigneault spoke to Mayor Rick Dennison and Yucca Valley Town Manager Curtis Yakimow.

There’s been a lot of buzz about the new State demands for Organic recycling, but it has yet to hit the public. Yucca Valley’s SB 1383 Organic Recycling Program will be rolled out in January 2024, beginning over the next two months to accommodate the state’s aggressive regulatory requirements. Gary Daigneault wanted to know how this mandate would affect residents.

Town Manager Curtis Yakimow said, “So at the end of the day, the biggest change that our residents will see is the addition of another bucket and a green container, and then we’ll have basically another daily trip that will pick up those containers.”
Daigneault asked if the requirement would increase the trash bill in Yucca Valley. Yakimow said, “Our Trash bills are set by Burrtec, and it went up on average about 24% for the current year.”

The Town has pressed Burrtec to keep the increases minimal. The last two years had no rate increase while understanding that once organics came online, it would be significant to cover the cost of equipment, cans, labor, and pickup routes.
Organics Program information will be provided to commercial, multi-family, and residential properties through site visits, letters, flyers, postcards mailed and handed out, employee/tenant training, webinars, live food scrap demonstrations, and information on the Town’s website.

The Town of Yucca Valley and Burrtec will offer a live webinar on December 18 at 10 a.m., and a live Food demonstration will be held in January.

You can hear the full interview here: