Town of Yucca Valley still accepting BMX Track Operator inquiries

Photo: Robert Haydon

The Town of Yucca Valley is still accepting inquiries for those interested in running the vacant BMX track.

Community Services Manager Sue Earnest says that the town has been fielding inquiries for the track – five interested parties requested information and were provided with an operator questionnaire to tell the Town a little bit about their qualifications and visions for the track.

So far, out of the five, one of those parties returned the questionnaire and Sue Earnest says they seem “eager to take on the responsibility.”

However – the Town says that they are still in early stages of gathering information from interested parties, and they hope to meet with potential operators in the early Fall to move on with the selection process and go over the work that needs to be done to the track before it can reopen.

If this is the first you are hearing about the BMX track looking for a new operator, the Town is still accepting inquiries from qualified and interested parties.

For information, contact Town of Yucca Valley Community Services Manager, Sue Earnest, [email protected] or (760) 369-7211.

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