Today is the final day to file for local elected positions

Today is the deadline to file for candidacy in a local elected political body in our county for this election year.

San Bernardino County’s Registrar of Voters has set today (August 9) as the final day to file to run for a local elected office. The County Registrar of Voters handles elections throughout the Morongo Basin, for both unincorporated areas like Joshua Tree and Morongo Valley as well as for the Town of Yucca Valley and the City of Twentynine Palms.

The Registrar’s office closes today at 5 p.m., and anyone running for a position in a local office that will be decided as part the November 5, 2024 election must file their paperwork by then.

Most of the publicly elected governing bodies in our area have open seats that will be decided this November. That includes City and Town Council, local water and education boards, and more.

For one governing board, the Morongo Valley Community Services District, which oversees the Morongo Valley Fire Department, every single one of the board’s five seats is up for election, leading to some unexpected consequences.

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