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This week saw the first day of spring. That means the hot summer weather is not far behind. ROP Broadcast student Tyler Gall tells you how to get your car ready for summer…
The summer will be getting hotter, so follow these tips from ehow.com to keep your car prepared for the summer: Keep your car’s antifreeze/coolant and transmission fluid levels filled to prevent overheating. Check your tire pressure and tread often. As the heat fluctuates, it can affect the air inside your tires, and maintaining the correct PSI can extend gas mileage. Rotate your tires if necessary; you don’t want a flat tire in the heat. Test the car’s battery. High heat can put more strain on the battery. If it is weak, replace it. Cover the steering wheel with a fabric cover to save your hands from burning. Also, lay towels on leather seats, which can get extremely hot in the summer. People wear shorts in the summer, and you can burn your legs quite badly just by sitting down. Pack and keep an emergency bag in the car. Be sure to include fluids for yourself and for the car.

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