“Meet Me in St Louis” is a classic, family-friendly musical opening in two weeks at Theatre 29 with a gala fundraiser hosted by Kiwanis Club of Twentynine Palms. Here with your invitation is Rebecca Havely…
What better way to begin the holiday season than with a musical for the entire family; bring the holiday guests as well. The year is 1904, at the brink of the St. Louis World’s Fair. Based on the Judy Garland film, the musical features the memorable number, “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” Kiwanis Club of Twentynine Palms presents the opening night gala of “Meet Me in St Louis” Friday, November 24. Tickets for opening night ONLY are $25 each. The doors open at 6 p.m. with hors d’oeuvres served at intermission. Proceeds go to service projects in our communities through the Kiwanis Club of Twentynine Palms.
Tickets for opening night are ONLY available at the Z107.7 studios in Joshua Tree, and in Twentynine Palms at the Desert Trail Office and the Twentynine Palms Chamber and Visitor Center or through Kiwanis members including Herman Platzke at 760-972-7205. “Meet Me in St. Louis” will run weekends through December 17. For performances other than opening night, visit theatre29.org or call the Theatre 29 box office at 760-361-4151.