BoxoHouse will hold an artist’s reception Saturday for its artist-in-residence. Angus McCullough has begun a large project that includes the themes of travel, personal history, astrophysics, philosophy, and more. The open house is from 3 to 6 p.m., with an artist talk at 4 p.m. BoxoHouse is located at 62732 Sullivan Road in Joshua Tree.
A reception will be held Sunday, February 7, at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley for Chaparral Artists’ latest show, “My Favorite Artwork.” Each artist will have on display their favorite painting or photo. The show will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Rainbow Stew is located at 55509 29 Palms Highway, in the west end of town.
The featured artist at the Joshua Tree library in February is photographer Diana Shay Diehl. Diehl prints her own photos using alternative processes, such as ink transfers, emulsion lifts, and more. She has traveled to Italy to study alternative print making, and will discuss the process during an opening reception at the library Saturday, February 6. The reception begins at 12:30 with the presentation at 1 p.m. The Joshua Tree library is located at 6465 Park Boulevard.