Theatre 29’s summer youth theater program is still taking applications. The youngsters in the program will present “Disney’s High School Musical Jr.” this summer. The program runs Mondays through Fridays from June 24 through July 28. “Juniors,” ages 7-11, meet from 9:30 to noon and “seniors,” age 12-17, from 1 to 3:30, culminating with both groups performing the musical on July 26, 27 and 28. The program is $60 per student with some scholarships available. The fee covers classes, a show music CD, their script to keep, a program T-shirt, water bottle and wardrobe bag, plus a cast pizza party after the final performance.

Applications are available in Twentynine Palms at the Park and Recreation offices, in Yucca Valley at the Chamber of Commerce and in Joshua Tree at the Z107.7 studios. Applications must be turned in by June 14 with full payment made by June 21. Class size is limited to the first 35 paid applicants in each age group and space is filling up quickly. For any additional information on the summer youth theater program at Theatre 29 e-mail Gary Daigneault at [email protected].