Theatre 29 announced its 2015 season at a special gala event hosted by the three Morongo Basin Chambers of Commerce last week. Managing editor Tami Roleff gives a run-down on the upcoming shows…
Beginning the year is the comedy “An Ideal Husband” by Oscar Wilde and directed by Butch Pelfry. “An Ideal Husband” will run from January 9 through February 7. The musical “Urinetown,” directed by Gary Daigneault, will take the stage February 27 through March 28. Next is a thriller by Henrik Ibsen, “Wait Until Dark,” directed by Ben Bees. “Wait Until Dark” runs from April 10 through May 9. A do-it-yourself murder mystery, based on the unfinished novel “The Mystery of Edwin Drood,” by Charles Dickens, and directed by Charles Harvey, will entertain audiences from May 29 to June 27. The summer youth theater program—directed and taught by Gary Daigneault—returns for its second year, and will take place the entire month of July. An adaptation of the film “The Man from Earth,” by Jerome Bixby, will be directed by Eddie Tucker, and will run from August 21 to September 19. Just in time for Halloween is the spooky “The Addams Family,” directed by Kathryn Ferguson, which takes the stage October 2 through October 31. And finally, wrapping up the 2015 season is another play in the hysterical Farndale series: “The Farndale Avenue Housing Estates Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society Production of A Christmas Carol .” Directed by Marty Nieder, the comedy will close out the season from November 20 to December 19.