Theatre 29, the non-profit community theatre organization, held its yearly reorganization meeting December 13 and elected new officers and board members for 2017. Reporter Rebecca Havely names the new volunteers…
Elected for two-year terms were incumbents Brian Tabeling, Kathryn Ferguson, and Charles Harvey. Joining the board were newcomers Patti Brown and Katie Van Sumeren. Other incumbent board members include Gary Daigneault, Marty Neider, Cindy Daigneault, and Cindy Ross. Two board members moved out of the area; selected to replace them were Tresa Oden and Char Childs. The Theatre 29 Board regretfully said good-bye to founding member Ken Palmer, who spent 17 years on the board. The board of directors voted unanimously to elect as the executive board Gary Daigneault as president; Brian Tabeling as vice president; Katie Van Sumeren, board secretary; and Cindy Ross, treasurer. Retired long-time former board member Judy Andreshak will remain as the organization’s historian.