Local News


More than 40 percent of San Bernardino County residents have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose. However, the county’s public health officer says that number is still too low, as at least 70 percent of residents must be vaccinated against COVID-19 to achieve “herd immunity.” Managing editor Tami Roleff says some people have questions about the vaccines’ side effects…

The county’s public health officer, Dr. Michael Sequeira, says residents need to do all we can to encourage family, friends, and co-workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The county has enough vaccine doses and locations that same-day appointments are now available.

Some residents have concerns about side effects from the vaccines. Dr. Sequeria says “Everyone will have their own individual reaction; some individuals will have no issues at all, while others will feel pretty lousy. This is pretty much like any vaccine and are normal signs that your body is building protection. The arm where you got the shot may have some pain, swelling or redness. Overall, you may feel tired, nauseous, have overall muscle pain, chills or a headache, and for some, a combination of some or all of these.”

If you do experience side effects, a cold compress could help sore arms. Take aspirin, Tylenol, or ibuprofen for aches and pains or fever.

Studies of millions and millions of people show there is no statistical difference between side effects among the three vaccines.

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