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“The Sunshine Boys” by Neil Simon follows the story of Lewis and Clark, a former vaudevillian duo who reunite for a TV special. Directed by Eddie Tucker, the comedy features award-winning actor Kurt Schauppner as Willie Clark, a stubborn, sarcastic old wise cracker who blames his partner Al Lewis for ending his career. Lewis is portrayed by Alfred Klein, who is making his Theatre 29 debut as the timid, straight man of the former vaudevillian duo. Willie’s nervous nephew and talent agent, Ben, is played by Jeremy Volsteadt, who is new to Theatre 29. Other performers include Mike Shaw, Brittany Smith Daneita Chestnut, and Barry Inscore. “The Sunshine Boys” runs Friday and Saturday nights at 7 p.m. through February 13 with 2:30 matinee on February 7. Tickets are $8. to $15. Tickets are available at theatre29.org or by calling 760-361-4151.

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