Neil Simon’s hilarious comedy, “The Sunshine Boys” continues to tickle the funny bone at Theatre 29. The Neil Simon comedy focuses on an aging vaudevillian duo, Lewis and Clark, who delighted audiences in the vaudeville circuit for over 40-odd years. They grew to hate each other when Al Lewis decided to retire without consulting Willie Clark. The duo is now in their early 70s, and CBS has invited the team to reunite for a TV special. Directed by Eddie Tucker the cast includes: Alfred Klein, Kurt Schauppner, Jeremy Volsteadt. Brittany Smith, Daneita Chestnut, Barry Inscore and Mike Shaw. This classic comedy of showbiz and friendship keeps audiences laughing from beginning to end. The last show of “The Sunshine Boys” is 7 p.m. tonight. Tickets are $8 to $15, and are available online at or by calling 760-361-4151.