The Mojave Desert Land Trust Fall Plant Sale is coming Saturday (Oct 8)


The Mojave Desert Land Trust Fall native plant sale is this Saturday, Oct. 8th. This is the first in-person native plant sale since 2019 when the pandemic moved the sale online – those sales were so popular that their website frequently had a hard time keeping up. That should give you a good idea of the popularity of the sale – which will operate on a first-come first serve basis.

The popular plant sale focuses on flora that is native to Southern California – beautiful and unique water wise plants that work in harmony with our unique arid ecosystem.

The sale will start at 9AM and you can expect a line early. In addition to the naturally propagated plants, they will have a salvage sale with items that have been cleaned off land acquisitions by the trust. This will be their final salvage sale, so if you are searching for yard art with a desert patina to go with your new plants, don’t pass this up.

MDLT members get a 10% discount and all forms of payment are accepted.

The Mojave Desert Land Trust is right off Highway 62 at 60124 Twentynine Palms Highway.

Check out the links below for heir inventory, as well as some plant care guides and other useful information to keep your new native plants happy.

Mojave Desert Land Trust Fall Plant Sale FAQ
Mojave Desert Land Trust Plant Guide

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.