The live comedy, “The Nerd” is midway through its run in Yucca Valley. Directed by Rebecca Havely this smash hit is receiving rave reviews. Z107.7’s Tammi Roleff says, “The costumes, set, and music will instantly transport you back to the 1970s. “The Nerd” is a funny play that will have you laughing out loud.” One audience member said, “enjoyed the opening night very much… We have such talented people all around us.” Some theater goers have even come to see the show twice! The hysterical cast includes Ben Bees, Bianca Stoker, Beau Stoker, Dave Jessup, Shelly Sheckler, Trevor Carpenter and as “The Nerd” Jericho McWilliams. The show runs Saturday evenings at 7 p.m. and Sunday afternoons at 2:30 p.m. through July 17. Performances are at St. Joseph’s Church 56312 Church St. in Yucca Valley. Tickets are $9. To $11. and can be reserved by calling The St. Joseph’s Players box office at 760-362-9319.