Do you know how secure your online identity is? A recent survey found that many Californian’s personal online identities may not be as secure as they think. With tips on how you can better protect yourself is reporter Andrew Dieleman…
A recent AARP survey has shown that many Californians are not taking basic precautions when protecting their online personal identities. Brett
Johnson, a cybercriminal turned security consultant, recommends taking small, but important, steps to fix the problems.
Johnson recommends using different passwords for each website that you visit, establishing online access yourself, as this makes it harder for a
criminal to impersonate you; checking the credit reports of children, now the number-one victim group of identity theft; and putting a security freeze on your credit agency accounts.
"Put a freeze on your account; that way a criminal cannot access your credit report, set up new accounts, order replacement cards, or commit all types of crime, using your name.”
For more tips on protecting your online identity, visit to