After years of private debate, public meetings, hearings, and legal challenges the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors will convene what may be the last public hearing on the subject of renewable energy as it relates to the County General Plan. Reporter Mike Lipsitz fills in the details…

Tomorrow’s County Board of Supervisors meeting will get off to a late start due to a closed morning session for the expected appointment of a county CEO. So following the 1 p.m. start, recognitions, appoints, and items on the consent agenda, the County Board of Supervisors will convene a public hearing to consider a Renewable Energy and Conservation Element of the County General Plan. This is a new addition to the General Plan and will contain policies related to the environmental, economic and community values associated with the development of solar, wind, and biomass energy Countywide. The proposed policies up for vote follow years of testimony, discussion and debate gathered by the county in an effort to draft policies that address many competing concerns. Tomorrow’s meeting streams online and to the first-floor teleconferencing room in the County Government Center on White Feather Road in Joshua Tree. Public comment and participation in the hearing may be made via live video link from that location.