The longest day of the year, actually the day with the longest daylight, is known as the summer solstice. This year’s longest day is June 22. Reporter Mike Lipsitz asks why not make it a day-long celebration at Homestead Valley Park…
The Homestead Valley Community Council invites you to Summer Solstice Fest on Saturday, June 22, at Homestead Valley Park in Landers. What better way to celebrate the longest day of the year than with fresh pizza baked onsite, craft beers, and more from 10 a.m. until sundown. Chips, cookies, Italian Ice, ice cream treats, and beer brewing demonstrations from the Mojave Desert Brewers Guild will also be available. This is a family-friendly event with live music, games and more. Proceeds will go toward the purchase of equipment for visual aids at meetings and movie nights at HVCC community centers in Landers, Flamingo Heights, Yucca Mesa, and Johnson Valley.