The tragic story of Willie Boy is a familiar tale around these parts and on August 31, a local professor will examine the cultural effects of this seminal event. Reporter Heather Clisby has the details…
Following the murder of his girlfriends’ father, the 1909 manhunt for Willie Boy is the stuff of local and national legend. Because the story occurred in our desert, we never get enough of the love story gone awry.
Called a “watershed” event for Chemehuevi people, the Willie Boy tale has captivated scholars, writers, storytellers, artists, and inspired the 1969 film, “Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here” starring Robert Redford, Katharine Ross and Robert Blake.
In an effort to grasp the cultural significance of the story, author and College of the Desert professor Ruth Nolan will present, “In The Desert: Stories of Willie Boy” on Saturday, August 31, at 11 am. Nolan will examine scholarly and artistic works inspired by Willie Boy and discuss why the story still remains so alive.
The presentation will be held at the Wonder Valley Community Center on Adobe Road and a $2 donation is suggested. For more information, call 760-367-9880.