Local News


The deadline is fast approaching for property owners to protest the proposal to expand Fire Protection District FP-5 to cover most of the county. Reporter Mike Lipsitz has this report on the proposal and the process to protest it…

If passed, the proposal means property owners will see an additional $157 per parcel added to their property tax bill starting next year. Community opposition to the fee has been widespread because it disproportionately affects property owners on fixed and lower incomes, and because of a convoluted process required to protest the proposal. That process requires property owners to print and complete an online protest form and mail it to the county for receipt by 5 p.m. Monday, October 15. And despite county information that the form would be available through the toll-free 211 assistance line, operators at the service have little to no information on the issue. Be that as it may, county supervisors are expected to vote on the proposal at the conclusion of a public hearing set for 10 a.m. October 16.

Protest forms are available by following this link:

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