Visitors to Sky’s The Limit Observatory and Nature Center’s star party on Saturday, November 16, will be treated to a very special presentation of the cosmos with guest video astronomers and astrophotographers. Reporter Laura Berry shares the details…
This free public event form Sky’s the Limit Observatory and Nature Center is sponsored by Visit 29 Palms, and will begin at 5:30 p.m. Jim O’Connor from the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will be joined by Peter Ilott, a full-time rocket engineer, at this week’s star party on Saturday, November 16. Guest astronomers will be using new technology to provide visitors a creative and colorful way to explore the cosmos. Sky’s The Limit volunteers will also have a variety of telescopes set up for guests to use. Guests are encouraged to bring their own binoculars and scopes as well. Sky’s The Limit is located at 9697 Utah Trail in 29 Palms. Donations to support Sky’s The Limit’s educational programs are appreciated.