The City of Twentynine Palms has a wealth of recreation programs. ROP broadcasting student William Lopez says that the successful teen basketball program is accepting registrations…
The city of Twentynine Palms Park and Recreation is having a 2015 spring teen basketball league. Twentynine Palms Park and recreation are accepting registrations for spring basketball all through April 7th. Signups for the pro division through 10th, 11th, and 12th grade will be held at the Twentynine Palms High School at 2:30pm. Signups for college division through 7th, 8th, and 9th grade will be held at the Twentynine Palms Junior High School at 6:00pm. For the students who play it will be $20.00 for each player. Reporting for Z107.7 I am ROP Broadcasting student William Lopez.