Sophia Rodriguez recognized as Educator of the Month

Twentynine Palms Rotary Committee Chair John Cole presents honors to “Educator of the Month” Sophia Rodriguez as 29 Palms Junior High School Principal Derek Swem looks on

Counselor Sophia Rodriguez of Twentynine Palms Junior High School was recognized as “Educator of the Month” by the Rotary Club of Twentynine Palms. Rodriguez received the honor at the club’s meeting on Wednesday (March 27). 

After a brief description of her excellent work and accomplishments working with students who come to her with educational and emotional challenges by school Principal Derek Swem, Rodriguez was presented with a certificate and a gift card for her efforts by Rotary Committee Chair John Cole.

The 29 Palms Rotary Club has recently revived their tradition of honoring local educators after a Covid-caused hiatus. The 29 Palms Rotary Club was established in 1948, making it the oldest service club in the Morongo Basin.

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