Certain lower-risk businesses could resume operations in California with modifications and adaptations as early as tomorrow (Friday, May 8), as the state moves from Stage 1 to Stage 2 of its plan to reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic. Guidelines for reopening those businesses and other public spaces are expected to be released Thursday. Some of the types of businesses that could open beginning Friday are clothing stores, sporting goods stores, florists, and bookstores.
According to the state, stores and public places that can reopen in Stage 2 are those that can easily implement safety measures to lower the risk of COVID-19 exposure to patrons and employees. Many retail stores could open with curbside pickup, for example. Businesses in the logistics and manufacturing industries also may be able to reopen Friday, under the state’s plan. Offices, dine-in restaurants, shopping malls and schools remain closed for now, but could reopen later under Stage 2.