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Smith’s Ranch subject of historical presentation at Old Schoolhouse Museum on 10/20

The 87th annual Pioneer Days is running strong all weekend long in Twentynine Palms. The carnival at Luckie Park opens today (October 19), and family friendly events celebrating the history of Twentynine Palms run all weekend long.

Tomorrow night (October 20) sees a presentation by the Twentynine Palms Historical Society on Smith’s Ranch at the Old Schoolhouse Museum. Smith’s Ranch is a foundational homestead in Twentynine Palms, established in 1921 by Bill Smith. The presentation will be given by Dana Bowden, who discussed the event as a guest on Z107.7’s Up Close Show last week.

“It’s a bonus Friday At The Museum event. Dana Casey, who is the granddaughter of Bill Smith, and I have been collecting photographs. We’re going to have an amazing slide show. There will be family members to answer questions, including some things that I haven’t learned.”

Bowden went on to describe a little bit of her personal family history of Smith’s Ranch,

“My connection to Smith Ranch goes back to 1948, when my grandparents were travelling across the country, looking for a place to live where my aunt could breathe because she had asthma. They first came to Twentynine with a trailer and parked at Smith’s Ranch. That was their first home here.”

The presentation begins tomorrow night at 7 p.m. at the Old Schoolhouse Museum, located at 6760 National Park Drive in Twentynine Palms.

After the presentation, head over to Luckie Park for the free Pioneer Days Forever Came Calling Concert, starting at 8 p.m.

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