The City of Twentynine Palms, in conjunction with the Joshua Tree National Park and the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, are sponsoring the first annual Park-to-Park Bike Ride and Earth Day educational fair. Kirby Davis has all the details…
Attention bicycle enthusiasts, mark your calendar for April 29 for the Park-to-Park Bike Ride and Earth Day fair. This 27-mile round-trip bike ride will begin at Knott’s Sky Park in Twentynine Palms and will continue up to Key’s View in the Joshua Tree National Park and back to Knott’s Sky Park. Participants who register by April 14 will receive a boxed lunch and t-shirt. Registration fees are $20 for active duty military and $35 for civilians. This event is limited to 300 participants. Registrations are currently being accepted on the City of Twentynine Palms website at or by calling the Twentynine Palms Recreation Department at 760-367-7562.