After months of planning and analysis, the San Bernardino County Sherriff’s Department Inmate Services Unit (ISU), is officially approved to launch the FAITHS Throughcare Program. The first of its kind comprehensive treatment model partners criminal justice agencies with universities to develop and administer research based therapeutic treatment to offenders, their families and their community from the time of booking until long after their release. Reporter Cassidy Taylor has the story…

The program is mutually beneficial for interns and incarcerated individuals. Under supervision, interns seeking clinical hours for their advanced degrees, provide a full range of therapeutic services to incarcerated individuals and those impacted by their choices. Even willing victims will be invited to participate in an attempt for restorative justice that satisfies all involved parties. The program will both treat and train offenders to make their re-entry into society smoother and more successful.

The entire program will be at no cost to taxpayers as the interns provide services for free in exchange for receiving clinical hours towards their degrees. Intern supervisors are paid for by the Inmate Welfare Fund—a trust funded fully by the inmate phone calls and commissary items inmates purchase. This intern driven model stands to save nearly $6 million per year over costs that would be associated with hiring full time employees to do the same work.