The Hi-Desert Water District is experiencing its own little water war with customers. According to a Sheriff’s report, residents in the 6500 block of Paxton Court were three months behind in paying their water bill, so the water district turned off the water on December 8. The next day, the residents broke into the meter box and turned the water back on. Two weeks later, on December 23, the residents “straight piped” the meter; bypassing the meter with water pipe. The water company responded later that same day and put a lock box on the meter. On Christmas Eve, the residents cut the lock box and stole a water meter from a nearby vacant home. The water company went back that day and dug up the water main and shut off the water. On Monday, December 29, the residents dug up the water main and straight piped it again. The Hi-Desert Water District reported the water theft to the Sheriff’s Department Monday afternoon. It estimates the labor, material, and water theft at well over $1,000. The Sheriff’s Department is investigating the theft.