Spring forward, fall back. Yes, it’s that time again. Ernest Figueroa reminds us to not only change our clocks, but also smoke alarm batteries…
Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, which means it’s time to change our clocks again. In March, we “spring” forward one hour, so on the first Sunday in November, we “fall” back, gaining that hour we “lost” eight months ago. The official time change is 2 a.m. Sunday, but for most of us, that means we’ll need to set our clocks back one hour before we go to bed Saturday. Your local fire department urges you to use the time change as a reminder to change the batteries in your smoke alarms. Working smoke alarms are extremely important in providing you early warning to get out in case of a fire. Some smoke alarms have a 10-year lithium battery and there is NO need to change these batteries every year. After 10 years you replace the smoke alarm with a new one.