The Morongo Unified School District will host two special enrollment days for families to complete online registration for students entering kindergarten, transitional kindergarten, and grades first through twelfth. Reporter Andrew Dieleman has the times and locations…

Parents who would like assistance in enrolling their child in the school district are invited to attend MUSD’s special enrollment days. There will be computers available for parents to complete the online registration. It is important to enroll students as soon as possible to ensure a smooth transition into the district. The enrollment days will be held on Monday, July 22, and Wednesday, July 24, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the conference room of the Morongo Unified School District Offices, 5715 Utah Trail in Twentynine Palms. For more information, contact Child Welfare and Attendance Coordinator Dr. Garrett Gruwell at 760-367-9191 extension 4360.