The Morongo Unified School District board of Trustees held a special meeting yesterday where they made a final decision on whether or not the district can meet its tentative date of January 19, 2021, for return to in-person learning for students. Reporter Andrew Dieleman has the results of that meeting…
At last night’s special meeting, the board voted 4-1 (President Hillary Slotta voting no) to withdraw the district’s tentative date for return to in-person learning. Beginning January 19, all district classes will continue through current distance learning and independent study models through the end of the 2020-2021 school year concluding in June, 2021. The board cited increased COVID-19 cases in the county as one of the main factors in the decision. The board added that they will review local and County COVID-19 figures in March or April, to see if holding in-person graduation events for graduating seniors is possible.