The Morongo Unified School District Board of Trustees tackled another lengthy agenda of nearly 50 topics last night at their final meeting of the academic year. During the marathon 4 ½ hour meeting, the board held a work study session outlining the schedule of events needed to place a new district general obligation bond on the ballot for the 2020 primary election. Reporter Andrew Dieleman has the meeting highlights…

At last night’s meeting, the MUSD board of Trustees also issued a declaration of need for fully-qualified educators for the district, updated the District’s education agreement with Copper Mountain College, and approved course outlines and textbooks for twenty classes for the upcoming academic year. The board also held two public hearings on the 2019-2020 employment agreements reached with classified and certificated district employees; approved the sale of unneeded district equipment; conducted a self-evaluation to identify opportunities for improvement and to reevaluate district priorities, and accepted the District’s preliminary budget and Special Education (SELPA) plan for the 2019-2020 school year. The board will not meet again until the beginning of the 2019-2020 academic year on August 13.