Once the special meeting concluded, the MUSD board of trustees adjourned to closed session to conference with labor negotiators before reconvening to an open work study session to discuss possible uses for the old Joshua Tree Elementary School property, which included using the property as the new District Office location, as a food bank, and as a Professional Development Center. In open session, the board was treated to two presentations from Yucca Valley Elementary School: a surprise poem reading from the first grade class and a demonstration on robotics and sequence coding from the fourth grade class. This was followed by a positive report on district’s annual financial audit and a final report from Donna Munoz on the Measure O bond, which failed by only 37 votes during the November, 2018 elections. The board then heard public comments from many parents expressing deep concerns over student safety and bullying on district busses, and adopted the 2019-2020 Sunshine agreement with the Morongo Teachers Association. Discussions on creating a new position for the PLUS program was tabled until next meeting, pending additional information and board discussions.