The Morongo Unified School District Board of Education meeting was split between workshops and regular business. Today, reporter Dan Stork tells about the regular meetings, which was dominated by a large teacher turnout intent on impressing the Board during contract negotiations…
Morongo Teachers Association members turned out in the largest numbers yet, occupying the extra seats that had been set up, and with many standing – keeping the pressure on staff and Board of Education members as contract negotiations continue. Classified employees representative Jim Goldsboro decried a prospective $250 per month increase in employee contributions to health insurance as individually ruinous. Several speakers criticized the District for stinginess and for taking advantage of employees.
Copper Mountain College Interim President Jeff Cummings introduced himself to the Board, and heralded increased cooperation between CMC and MUSD in pursuing a Cradle to Career program. Board member Hilary Slotta reported on a California School Board Association education day that she, Ed Will, and Karalee Hargrove attended in Sacramento, meeting with legislators and other state officials. As usual, the agendized business of the Board – covering advertisement of bids for a variety of maintenance projects, board policies, and approval of an English Honors course outline and the 2nd Interim Budget Report – was dispatched quickly.
Another day, we’ll describe information presented before the regular meeting at a public workshop on the budget and Advanced Placement classes.