The Morongo Unified School District Board of Education departs from its usual first and third Tuesday meeting schedule, to hold its only January meeting tonight. Dan Stork says that union bargaining and a farewell to James Majchrzak highlight the meeting…
The Morongo Unified School District Board of Education gets going early in its January 14 meeting, with a closed session at 5 p.m. to discuss student expulsions and re-entries, and to confer with certificated and classified union representatives. In the 7 p.m. open session, the Board will recognize James Majchrzak upon his retirement, thank him for his service as Superintendent from May 2002, and approve his termination papers. The teachers’ union will present this year’s sunshine items—those issues that it and the District have agreed to focus on in contract negotiations. The agenda is rounded out with approval of the budget calendar and consent agenda, plus the regular reports from Board members and staff, student and employee representatives, and the Marine Corps liaison. The Board meets at Joshua Tree Elementary School, 4951 Sunburst Avenue.