The Morongo Unified School District Board of Trustees had another full schedule at last night’s nearly four-hour-long board meeting. During the meeting, the board was presented with the summary of a recent public survey on the school district’s proposed $67 million general obligation bond. The survey showed general support for the bond among surveyed Morongo Basin residents. The board will hold another work-study session on the bond during its September 24 meeting. Reporter Andrew Dieleman has the details on the rest of the meeting…

At last night’s meeting, Morongo Unified School District Superintendent Tom Baumgarten, Assistant Superintendent Amy Woods, and former Assistant Superintendent Dr. Deborah Turner announced a state testing “race” among all district schools to create incentives for students to improve their state testing scores. The board also reviewed student achievement plans for Condor Elementary School, Palm Vista Elementary School, Landers Elementary School, Twentynine Palms Elementary School, and the PLUS Program.

Recurring needs brought up during the presentations included increasing student proficiency in English language arts and mathematics, increasing student attendance rates, and increasing student safety. The board then heard staff presentations on the district’s deferred maintenance plan, the district’s current bus schedules, and the district’s overall improvements on English language arts and mathematics scores among students. The board concluded the meeting by authorizing additional funding to complete the district’s copper cabling project and filing notices of completion for re-painting, re-roofing, and flooring installation at various district schools.