Joshua Tree National Park Ranger Pam Tripp has a great tip for visitors to help keep the park green…
Nowadays, we use electronic devices for everything; Shopping, social media, games, and communications. But these devices can also help protect the environment. Here at Joshua Tree NP, there are many areas to visit and see, with great scenery and awesome multi-length hiking trails. The park has maps for many of these areas, which also requires the use of a lot of paper. How often do many of us come home from a trip with lots of papers that get put away and never looked at again, only to be outdated by the time we do? To conserve paper and help the park be more green, take pictures of the maps you wish to use during your visit to any national park. Pictures on a device won’t blow away in the winds of the desert either. For more information about a visit to Joshua Tree NP, check out our website at, another great way to be green. For Copper Mountain Broadcasting Z107.7. This is Park Ranger Pam Tripp, encouraging you to save paper, protect the park, and in turn, protect the environment.